2022 Workshops

  • Recalibrating Church Metrics Regarding Growth and Health

    Presenter: Rick Weinert

    We like to think that we value that which is core to our mission and vision, but realistically we value what we count. Typically we count people and money. Are those the best metrics of our mission and vision as a church? How do we learn to measure what we say is important to our mission?

  • Be Well to Lead Well

    Presenter: Kris Stewart

    As pastoral and lay leaders, we are called to help nurture the congregations we serve. However, we won’t reach our potential as leaders if we find ourselves leading from a place of deficit. This workshop will help us identify those places of deficit and explore ways to tend to our own self-care and be the people God has called us to be so we can “be well to lead well.”

  • Children, Youth and Family Ministry: Creative ways to foster connection through community engagement

    Presenter: Amy DuFrene

    Ministry with children, youth and families in small town settings presents both challenges and opportunities. This workshop will explore a model for how intentional community connections can strengthen outreach and discipleship with kids and youth. Utilize the gifts and people God has placed in your path to further ministry in your church and beyond.

  • Rural Ministry, Mission and Global Impact

    Presenter: Mark Swanson

    How might mission engage the best of who US rural churches and communities are to make a global impact, all while offering a concrete renewal opportunity to congregations? While hunger is a global concern, especially in rural communities in the developing world, there are avenues to make a significant difference. Rural churches have been making a lasting difference when it comes to global hunger, while participating in a new chapter in their own story of renewal. This workshop will share those stories from those who have experienced them and offer a model that can work in your church and community to create lasting solutions to hunger.

  • Help Wanted!

    Presenter: Michael Behm

    How to recruit, equip and inspire ministry volunteers. In this workshop, we will work together to determine the simple system you need in your context, define clear expectations with the resources you have, and develop a compelling reason for your volunteers to give their all!

  • Bless Your Community

    Presenter: Jim Hodgson

    This seminar explores the strengths & weaknesses of our own home communities and how the Church can be a blessing in that specific context. Jeremiah 29 will be examined as an example of how the exiled nation of Judah in Babylon was commanded to be a blessing to their captive community ('seek the peace & prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile'). Opportunities to be a blessing will be identified through our personal & family lives, our work, our local churches, & our through our community partners.

  • Moving from Accidental to Intentional Discipleship in the Rural Church

    Presenter: Gary Gilkinson

    Can the rural church move from accidental discipleship to a more intentional model? Intentional discipleship is not just for the urban church ministry. This workshop will discuss the journey of moving to intentional discipleship adapting principles from the framework shared in The Simple Church.

  • Leading Change in Stuck Systems

    Presenter: Martin Giese

    Every church at some time is subject to inertia - loss of vision and ministry momentum and the tendency to keep on doing what is no longer effective. This workshop will explore some practical steps to help your church/ministry get "unstuck" and restore vision, passion, and effectiveness.

  • Cultivating Meaningful Worship Experiences with Limited Resources

    Presenter: Cheryl Shekleton

    The blessings of rural ministry are accompanied by challenges, especially in the area of worship planning, technology, finances and people resources. Creativity comes in many forms and in unexpected ways. In this workshop we will discuss how we can cultivate a meaningful worship unique to your context, making the most of what you have, both in person and online.